On-Line Entry Guide
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This page has been designed to guide you through using the on-line entry system for competitions we are advertising for entry.
The on-line entry process has been broken up into 4 main areas where the below will guide you through step by step. If you are familiar with any of the areas already please use the links here to jump down to the relevant section for you.
Selecting a meet Entering a meet Checking your meet entry status Editing a meet entry
You can also download this guide as a PDF file here
Selecting a meet
When you first get to the meet entry site you will see the list of meets currently available. This should look something like the image below.
This list only shows the basic information of each meet. To find out more about a meet and consider entering click on the "More Info..." link to the right hand side of the listing. This will bring up a page like the below which shows you more details about the meet such as the dates, venue, host club, entry cost, meet level, the events that are available to enter and also a link to the host clubs website so you can check specific conditions and qualification times.
To enter the selected meet select the option at the bottom of the page that says "Enter Meet".
Entering a meet
When you have selected a meet to enter, you will be asked to log in (unless already logged in).
The login details from the meet entry part of our website is the same as your log in to the main members area on the website.
Once logged in you should see the entry form listed under the gala details as shown here:
Here you will see the events that are available to enter. Events that are unavailable at the selected meet will be indicated by a red cross () and available events will show an entry box. The entry boxes will be pre-populated with any current PB times you have in the database, blank fields indicate that we do not currently hold a PB for you.
You are free to edit the times in the box if you wish to, to a time agreed by your coach. Please ensure that you check your entry times against any qualification times that are imposed by the host club for the meet. This can be done by going to the host clubs website using the link provided.
If you have a time in an event you do not wish to enter, simply remove the time and leave the field blank. A blank time in the entry field is classed as you do not wish to enter. Please do not put in an "x" or "No" as this will confuse the system and it will think you wish to enter that event.
There is a warning on all of the meet entry pages that looks like the below. If there are Qualifying times, please make sure you check the qualifying times before you enter and that your entry time fits within these.
Once you are happy with your times and the events you want to enter, ensure you have double checked them, you can click on the link at the bottom that says "Submit Entry " which will then file your entry to our system. This will also email you with a confirmation and a total cost for the entry. Please ensure that you pay your entry fee to "Arnold Swimming Club" at the club desk unless otherwise stated.
Please note that although this email confirms your entry to our system, this does not confirm your entry into the meet. This will be confirmed by the host club after we have submitted all of the entries to them.
Checking your meet entry status
If you have already entered a meet, to view your entry and its status, follow the steps above to enter a meet, however, when you get to the meet entry screen you will be presented with the message below.
When you follow the link you will be presented with the screen below that looks the same as your entry screen but with the information on your entry and you will not be able to edit these times.
Under your entry you can see the status area. The first line will display if your entry has been submitted to the host club or not. The next line will show the total entry cost for your submitted entry and the final line will show the payment status.
Editing a meet entry
This feature is not currently available. We are in the process of building this section so you can edit your entry if you have made any errors, up until the point that we mark the entry as submitted to the host club. For now if you believe that you have made an error please contact us via the main website and we will respond with any updates.